Integrated ML-based Sequence Generator for Home Automation
Integrated Helion, an ML-based sequence generator, with VetIoT, a platform for testing home automation defenses.
Built a system to translate events between Helion and VetIoT using Python, JSON, and DSLs.
Created Adaptable Fuzzing Framework for Cryptographic Libraries
Developed a versatile and adaptable fuzzing framework with Python, and Docker.
Assessed 12 fuzzers to evaluate their effectiveness using the framework.
Examined the quality of inputs generated by fuzzers for 13 cryptographic libraries written in C/C++, revealing that approximately 30% of inputs were valid for intricate data format required by the cryptographic libraries.
Enhanced LineageOS with QR Code-based Bootstrapping for Wi-Fi
Developed SeQR, a QR code-based bootstrapping solution for enterprise Wi-Fi connections, enhancing LineageOS and the Android Open Source Project.
Conducted thorough performance evaluations using a customized Android NDK application and Censys dataset, achieving a flawless 100% success rate in all instances.
Developed Web Application for Conducting Surveys
Implemented a web application powered by Firebase backend and Flutter frontend to conduct surveys for SeQR.
Successfully surveyed over 1200 participants on Amazon Mechanical Turk and leveraged data analysis and visualization tools such as Pandas, Scipy, Scikit-Learn, and Matplotlib to showcase SeQR's utility.
Created Python Application for NuSMV Model Generation
Developed a Python script to streamline the creation of NuSMV models from system descriptions written in a domain-specific language.
Investigated algorithms, particularly the "Simple-path algorithm" in the NuSMV model checker, to generate intriguing system state sequences.
Enhanced Python's “str.format” method to provide previously unavailable functionality, resulting in a 40% performance improvement.
Implemented an efficient “deque” data structure in C++ using a doubly linked list, leading to a 80% performance improvement.
Eastern University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Lecturer | 02/2020 – 08/2021
Developed detailed course outlines, calendars, lesson plans, tutorials, and schedules, ensuring comprehensive instruction.
Managed examination duties, dedicating approximately 5 hours per week to question preparation, test invigilation, and meticulous marking.
Provided valuable student consultation and advising services, maintaining regular office hours of 3 hours per week per course/section.
Supervised and guided numerous student projects, dissertations, theses, and co-curricular/extracurricular activities.
Mentored over 20 students for programming contests and organized intra-university programming contests to foster student engagement and skill development.
Successfully handled administrative tasks initiated by self or assigned by the Department, Faculty, or University.
Courses Taught:
Discrete Mathematics
Algorithms Sessional
Compilers Sessional
Canadian University of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Lecturer | 02/2019 – 09/2019
Prepared comprehensive course outlines, course calendars, lesson plans, and tutorial schedules to facilitate effective learning for students.
Conducted both theoretical and practical classes, ensuring students received a well-rounded education.
Managed the entire examination process, from preparing questions and invigilating tests and exams to meticulously marking and grading scripts and assignments.
Provided guidance and supervision to students undertaking project work, internships, dissertations, or theses, fostering their academic growth and research skills.
Mentored and supervised students participating in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, nurturing their holistic development.
Actively participated in University meetings, contributing insights and expertise as needed.
Courses Taught:
Theory of Computation
Computer Networks
Mobile Application Development
Compilers Sessional
Computer Networks Sessional
Structured Programming Language Sessional
REVE Systems, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
SDE Intern | 04/2018 – 06/2018
Contributed to the development of a Bangla Text To Speech (TTS) system utilizing existing TTS technologies.
Focused on the accumulation of phonemes for Bangla words to enhance system accuracy and naturalness.
Conducted experiments with various Vocoders to generate speech with improved sound quality and articulation.
Developed a system for Bengali Speech-To-Text and Text-To-Speech data collection and labeling using Java.
Successfully annotated 2000+ data points seamlessly, facilitating the development and improvement of the TTS system.