Work Experience

Syracuse University Syracuse, New York, USA

Graduate Research Assistant | 09/2021 – 01/2024

  • Integrated ML-based Sequence Generator for Home Automation
    • Integrated Helion, an ML-based sequence generator, with VetIoT, a platform for testing home automation defenses.
    • Built a system to translate events between Helion and VetIoT using Python, JSON, and DSLs.
  • Created Adaptable Fuzzing Framework for Cryptographic Libraries
    • Developed a versatile and adaptable fuzzing framework with Python, and Docker.
    • Assessed 12 fuzzers to evaluate their effectiveness using the framework.
    • Examined the quality of inputs generated by fuzzers for 13 cryptographic libraries written in C/C++, revealing that approximately 30% of inputs were valid for intricate data format required by the cryptographic libraries.
  • Enhanced LineageOS with QR Code-based Bootstrapping for Wi-Fi
    • Developed SeQR, a QR code-based bootstrapping solution for enterprise Wi-Fi connections, enhancing LineageOS and the Android Open Source Project.
    • Conducted thorough performance evaluations using a customized Android NDK application and Censys dataset, achieving a flawless 100% success rate in all instances.
  • Developed Web Application for Conducting Surveys
    • Implemented a web application powered by Firebase backend and Flutter frontend to conduct surveys for SeQR.
    • Successfully surveyed over 1200 participants on Amazon Mechanical Turk and leveraged data analysis and visualization tools such as Pandas, Scipy, Scikit-Learn, and Matplotlib to showcase SeQR's utility.
  • Created Python Application for NuSMV Model Generation
    • Developed a Python script to streamline the creation of NuSMV models from system descriptions written in a domain-specific language.
    • Investigated algorithms, particularly the "Simple-path algorithm" in the NuSMV model checker, to generate intriguing system state sequences.

PocketPy |

Open Source Contributor | 09/2023 – Present

  • Enhanced Python's “str.format” method to provide previously unavailable functionality, resulting in a 40% performance improvement.
  • Implemented an efficient “deque” data structure in C++ using a doubly linked list, leading to a 80% performance improvement.

Eastern University, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Lecturer | 02/2020 – 08/2021

  • Developed detailed course outlines, calendars, lesson plans, tutorials, and schedules, ensuring comprehensive instruction.
  • Managed examination duties, dedicating approximately 5 hours per week to question preparation, test invigilation, and meticulous marking.
  • Provided valuable student consultation and advising services, maintaining regular office hours of 3 hours per week per course/section.
  • Supervised and guided numerous student projects, dissertations, theses, and co-curricular/extracurricular activities.
  • Mentored over 20 students for programming contests and organized intra-university programming contests to foster student engagement and skill development.
  • Successfully handled administrative tasks initiated by self or assigned by the Department, Faculty, or University.
  • Courses Taught:
    • Discrete Mathematics
    • Algorithms
    • Algorithms Sessional
    • Compilers
    • Compilers Sessional

Canadian University of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Lecturer | 02/2019 – 09/2019

  • Prepared comprehensive course outlines, course calendars, lesson plans, and tutorial schedules to facilitate effective learning for students.
  • Conducted both theoretical and practical classes, ensuring students received a well-rounded education.
  • Managed the entire examination process, from preparing questions and invigilating tests and exams to meticulously marking and grading scripts and assignments.
  • Provided guidance and supervision to students undertaking project work, internships, dissertations, or theses, fostering their academic growth and research skills.
  • Mentored and supervised students participating in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, nurturing their holistic development.
  • Actively participated in University meetings, contributing insights and expertise as needed.
  • Courses Taught:
    • Compilers
    • Theory of Computation
    • Computer Networks
    • Mobile Application Development
    • Compilers Sessional
    • Computer Networks Sessional
    • Structured Programming Language Sessional

REVE Systems, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

SDE Intern | 04/2018 – 06/2018

  • Contributed to the development of a Bangla Text To Speech (TTS) system utilizing existing TTS technologies.
  • Focused on the accumulation of phonemes for Bangla words to enhance system accuracy and naturalness.
  • Conducted experiments with various Vocoders to generate speech with improved sound quality and articulation.
  • Developed a system for Bengali Speech-To-Text and Text-To-Speech data collection and labeling using Java.
  • Successfully annotated 2000+ data points seamlessly, facilitating the development and improvement of the TTS system.